Our Vision: To Build Glorious Churches, Holy and Blameless, in Our Generation.

The vision of New Hope International Church. 

New Hope International Church, believes in the vision God has given us. We will do everything possible to fulfill this vision which is summarized in Jesus’ Great Commission:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”

(Matthew 28:19-20)

We believe this Great Commission has been given to every believer in the Body of Christ. Therefore, in obedience to the Lord Jesus, our vision is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in our city, our nation, and all over the world, and to enable disciples to mature and grow in Him, who may ultimately share their love for Him by starting, participating, supporting and cooperating with the Holy Spirit in building loving, Biblical, and Spirit-filled churches. Because Christ has given us this command and because He has equipped us to complete it (Acts 1:8), we believe that it is possible to see this vision fulfilled in our lifetime.

Our efforts are thus focused first on teaching and enabling our members to accomplish Christ’s Commission and our vision. By doing this, we, as a body and as individuals, will be more able to reach out to people everywhere in the world. We want to bring the Good News to every person who has not heard of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our vision of reaching the world is not to the exclusion of other brothers and sisters in the Lord who also strive towards the same goal. We recognize that as Christians respond to Christ’s call with all of their energy, time, and resources, God’s kingdom will indeed come and His will be done on the earth as it is done in heaven. Therefore, we acknowledge and accept our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world in other church families who also strive to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission.

Another characteristic of our church is our desire to give holistic care to its members and those outside the church. In his letter to a friend, John, the Apostle, writes, “I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” Our desire is the same.

New Hope International Church has the goal of building Christian communities that will reveal Christ fully and completely. We want to help meet the needs of the Christian community in settings where other people can see Christ’s character revealed, including healing, through prayer and faith.

Thus, our vision is specific in its focus and broad in its application. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in our city, our nation, and all over the world, and enabling disciples to mature and grow in Him, who may ultimately share their love for Him by starting loving, Biblical, and Spirit-filled churches, is a responsibility to which we devote our entire lives.